PTFs working in other installations

Questions and Answers on PTFs working in other installations.(Hub Agreement)

PTFs working in other offices , Hub Agreement , loaners , loaning PTFs , borrowing PTFs

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The following questions and answers represent the mutual understanding and agreement of the
APWU/USPS concerning part-time flexible clerk craft employees who are required to work
outside their home office. This agreement covers, but is not limited to, part-time flexible clerk
craft employees who are required, as a condition of employment, to work. in installations other
than their home office {national case Q90C-4Q-C 93034651). This agreement is not applicable
and is without prejudice to the position of either party regarding the assignment of other crafts
and/or categories of employee outside their home office.

Document Type:  Question & Answer

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: PTFs working in other offices , Hub Agreement , loaners , loaning PTFs , borrowing PTFs

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