Step 4 Settlement Agreement:  Article 16; Discipline Procedure (1982)

Discipline Procedure , Garnishment , Local Garnishment

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The dispute at issue in the instant grievance is whether local management violates the National Agreement by implementation of the local "Garnishment Policy" dated October 20, 1980, and reissued under date of February 9, 1981. After further review of the matter, we mutually agreed that there was no National interpretive issue fairly presented as to the meaning and intent of Articles 19 and 16 of the National Agreement. Any discipline issued by local management must meet the "just cause" provisions of Articles 16 of the National Agreement, including discipline issued under the disputed policy. Accordingly, as we further agreed, this case is hereby remanded to Step 3 for further development and consideration if necessary by the parties.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C4HC27485

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Discipline Procedure , Garnishment , Local Garnishment

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