This grievance concerns an attendance improvement training program that is being given to all local supervisors. We mutually agreed that a local attendance improvement training program for supervisors is, on its face, noninterpretive. However, the provisions of such a program, as they impact upon craft employees, must be consistent with the National Agreement and the Employee and Labor Relations Manual. In this case, the document does not establish policy regarding wages, hours and working conditions. If, by actual application of any part of the program, the local union identifies what it considers a violation of the National Agreement or the ELM, it may protest through appropriate contractual channels.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C1KC15784

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , Attendance Improvement , Attendance Program , Attendance Improvement training , Attendance improvement program , Attendance training , attendance control , attendance control program , attendance management , attendance monitoring

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