The question raised in these grievances is whether an employee has the right to re-submit a previously finalized and approved PS Form 3971 for further consideration by management as to whether the absence was scheduled or unscheduled. During our discussion, it was mutually agreed that the following would represent a full settlement of these cases. While PS Forms 3971 are not to be resubmitted, local management may on a case-by-case basis reconsider previously finalized PS Forms 3971 to determine if the absence was properly recorded. However, future reference to the subject PS Forms 3971 in a disciplinary action must be in accordance with Article 16, Section 1, of the National Agreement.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4BC24018, H1C4BC25999, H1C4BC26000, H1C4BC26001

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , PS Form 3971 , Request For or Notification of Absence , approved 3971 , disapproved 3971 , approved form 3971 , disapproved form 3971 , resubmitting a 3971 , re-submitting a 3971 , scheduled absence , unscheduled absence , properly recorded absence

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