The issue in this grievance involves the length of the deferment period for part-time flexible employees receiving scheme training. After reviewing this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in this case. We further agree that this is a local issue suitable for regional determination based upon application of the soon to be released, revised PO-402T. "Scheme training will be scheduled for a minimum of five days each week. The only exceptions are: ( 1) if an employee is off on leave or holiday and (2) if a PTF is scheduled to work for less than five days. If either of these exceptions exist, attempts should be made to schedule multi-training sessions to maintain the completion schedule." Accordingly, we agreed to remand this case to the parties at Step 3 for further processing, including arbitration if necessary.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C3CC9549

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.3 , Scheme Deferment , Scheme Deferment Period , PTF Scheme Deferment , PTF Scheme Deferment Period , Handbook 402T , Handbook PO-402T , Handbook M-5

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