Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 7.1; Employee Classifications (1987)

Employee Classification , Casuals To The Detriment , PTF

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The issue in this grievance is whether casuals were scheduled to the detriment of part-time flexible clerks.  After reviewing this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in this case.  Therefore, we further agreed to remand this case for further application of the attached memo dated June 22, 1976, subject "Utilization of Casual Employees" to the particular fact circumstances involved.  Accordingly, we agreed to remand this case to the parties at Step 3 for further processing including arbitration, if necessary.     

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4C4MC23638

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employee Classification , Casuals To The Detriment , PTF

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