In full and complete settlement of the issue of step increase deferrals resulting from poor attendance, as raised in national level grievance H1C-NA-C-10, the parties collectively agree:
Existing instructions clearly provide that repeated, and/or continuous lack of cooperation, poor attendance, failure to produce acceptable work or other similar characteristics, even after individuals have been subjected to discussion of deficiencies during the waiting period, is the basis for determining whether or not an employee's rating is unsatisfactory to receive a step increase.  However, an overt act of misconduct, including attendance deficiencies for which an employee has been subjected to discipline, does not, in and of itself, demonstrate that an employee has "repeatedly and/or continually" failed to meet the requirements of the position throughout the waiting period and such an overt act, in and of itself, would not provide a basis for withholding a step increase.  It is further agreed that the determination to grant or deny a step increase rests on the individual fact circumstances present in each instance and must be adjudged accordingly. 

Document Type:  Tripartite Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1CNAC10

Tags: Salaries and Wages , Step Progression Schedule , Step Increase , Attendance , Poor Attendance , Unsatisfactory Attendance

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