Step 4 Settlement Agreement (NALC):  Article 16; Discipline Procedure (1989)

Discipline Procedure , Final Letter of Warning

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The issue in this grievance is whether management violated the National Agreement by designating certain Letters of Warning, as "Final" Letters of Warning. During our discussion, we mutually agreed that from this date forward, and until such time as any change in policy or practice is collectively bargained, the SPS shall not designate any particular Letter of Warning issued to an employee as a "Final" Letter of Warning. We further agreed that the foregoing shall not preclude the USPS froa indicating within the body of any Letter of Warning, that serious deficiencies in performance, etc; exist which may result in more serious action in the future, if not corrected. We further agreed that the foregoing shall not apply to "FINAL LETTERS OF WARNING" issued as part of the N-TOL, LISTEN, or any other collectively bargained preventive labor relations program.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7N3ED11525

Tags: Discipline Procedure , Final Letter of Warning

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