Step 4 Settlement Agreement (NALC):  Article 17; Representation (1979)

Representation , information requests

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The matter at issue in this grievance is whether the union is entitled to copy or receive a copy of all documents contained in the Employer's grievance file. The following represents our mutual interpretation of the contract provisions covering this issue and settles all the matters in dispute.

We mutually agree that the disclosure provisions set forth in Article XV, XVII and XXXI of the 1978 National Agreement intend that any and all information which the parties rely on to support their positions in a grievance is to be exchanged between the parties representatives to assure that every effort is made to resolve grievances at the lower possible level.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  N8N0027, N8NlJC3811

Tags: Representation , information requests

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