Step 4 Settlement Agreement(NALC):  Article 17; Representation (1983)

Representation , Sterward's Release , Discussion Time , Release To Discuss Grievance

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The question raised in this grievance involves whether an employee has the right to see a steward to discuss an issue that had been the topic of prior grievances. After further review of this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in the particulars evidenced in this case. The parties agree that an employee is not precluded from seeing a steward to discuss an issue concerning a possible grievance, even though the same issue was previously discussed in other grievances. Therefore, this case is remanded to Step 1 for discussion and full development of the fact circumstances. The Step 1 discussion must occur within 14 days after receipt of this decision. Accordingly, as we further agreed, this case is hereby remanded to the parties at Step 3 for further processing as stated above.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N3UC16069

Tags: Representation , Sterward's Release , Discussion Time , Release To Discuss Grievance

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