USPS Position Letter: Article 1.6; Supervisors performing bargaining unit work (1991)

Bargaining unit work

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The issue in these grievances is whether the performance of "lobby sweeps" by management is a violation of the National Agreement.  The union has recently conceded in separate Step 4 grievance decisions, that management may perform lobby sweeps.  It is now attempting to change its position.  The union's current position is that "lobby sweeps" do not include management obtaining accountable mail and parcels for customers.  This position, which was raised for the first time in the grievance process at our Step 4 meeting, is apparently based on the union's interpretation of the recent Snow Award AC-N-6922.  The union's current position is that any work that is associated with "moving the mail" (or involved in "advancing the mail forward") is bargaining unit work and may not be performed by supervisors or other non-bargaining managerial employees.  It is the position of the Service that the notion of what constitutes a lobby sweep includes such functions as getting parcels and accountable mail for postal customers but is not limited to these two activities.  In the broadest sense we are all involved in the movement of the mail, so the union's position does not truly differentiate bargaining unit work from that accomplished by any other postal employee.  We do not agree that it is supported in any way by the Snow Award.  The Union's current position is also contrary to our previous mutual understandings at the national level and past practice regarding lobby sweeps.  During peak periods of customer activity, management performs lobby sweeps to ensure good service and customer satisfaction.  The grievance files reflect that the actual task, performed by the managers involve minimal amount, of  work and have been performed by management for years.  There was no evidence presented by the union to show that lobby sweeps are exclusively bargaining unit work.  Further, even if this was bargaining unit work, it can be performed by Postal Service supervisors under certain circumstances.  In sum, the union has presented no evidence which shows that management has violated the National Agreement.  Based on these considerations these grievances are denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3PC46036, H4C4BC11824, H4C4GC3360, H4C3AC26838, H4C4HC34386, H4C3WC43761, H7C4HC951, H4C3DC13318

Craft:  Clerk

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