USPS Position Letter:  Article 15; Grievance-Arbitration Procedure (1982)

Grievance Arbitration Procedure , Step 1 , Immediate Supervisor

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The question raised in this grievance is whether Article 15 of the National Agreement is being violated at the Warren, R.I. Post office when the postmaster discusses grievances at Step 1. At the Warren office, there are less than twenty (20) bargaining unit employees. There are two (2) management officials, a line supervisor and a postmaster. The postmaster works as a line supervisor at least one full day per week and four hours per day on all other days. The Union's position is that there is no provision in Article 15 for a Step 1 designee, and that Step 1 discussions must be held with the employee's immediate supervisor. It is the position of the Postal Service that, normally, a first line supervisor is the immediate supervisor who handles Step 1 discussions; however, in circumstances such as those at the Warren Office where two management officials share line supervisory duties, we contend that it is entirely reasonable to make an exception. During our discussion, we exchanged the above positions and agreed that in full and final resolution of this case, management at the Warren office will ensure that bargaining unit employees will be kept informed as to who the proper official is for the purpose of discussing Step 1 grievances.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1CNAC17

Tags: Grievance Arbitration Procedure , Step 1 , Immediate Supervisor

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