USPS Position Letter:  Article 16; Discipline Procedure (1982)

Discipline Procedure , Written Notice , Emergency

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The question in this grievance is whether management violated Article 16 of the National Agreement by placing the grievant in a non-pay, non-duty status on November 27, 1981. At Step 4, the position of the Union was that improper procedures were followed in that the grievant was not given a written notification as is required under the provisions of Article 16 for acts of insubordination; and that the emergency provisions of that article would not be applicable when an act of insubordination is involved. tt is our position that no National interpretive issue involving the terms and conditions of the National Agreement is fairly presented in this case. Inasmuch as the Union declined mutual agreement in this regard, however, the following represents the decision of the Postal Service on the particular fact circumstances involved. Having carefully reviewed the information provided, we find no justification for disturbing the action taken by local management.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4HC2381

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Discipline Procedure , Written Notice , Emergency

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