USPS Position Letter:  Article 17; Representation (1989)

Representation , information requests , Right to Information

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The issue in this grievance is whether management is in violation of the Agreement when EI/QWL facilitators type and/or file EI/QWL meeting minutes, reports and records of that process. It is our position that no national interpretive issue involving the terms and conditions of the National Agreement is fairly presented in this case. However, inasmuch as the union did not agree, the following represents the decision of the Postal Service on the particular fact circumstances involved. The EI/QWL facilitator is responsible for the administration of the process, including report and record preparation. The Postal Service did not assign these duties in violation of
Article 1.6 of the National Agreement nor Chapter 911.1 of the ELM. Indeed, the clerk craft has never had responsibility for duties associated with EI/QWL. Moreover, the clerk craft did not grieve the nature of the EI/QWL facilitator's duties when those duties were first established and thereby waived any right it may have had to do so. The clerk craft does not have a right to these duties when they are performed as part of the EI/QWL process. Therefore, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C4CC16780

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Representation , information requests , Right to Information

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