Based on the evidence presented in this grievance, we find that the Union has failed to offer substantive evidence in support of their allegations of harassment. Quite the contrary, it is our position that in the grieved circumstances considered, local management had sufficient reason to request that the grievant medically substantiate her request for approved absence due to an alleged illness. To this degree, the grievance is denied. It is noted that the grievant was not in restricted leave status and the request for medical substantiation was not made until the grievant had returned to work. In these circumstances, we find that the grievant's request for approved annual leave in lieu of sick leave should have been approved by management notwithstanding the reason offered by the grievant as the basis for the claimed illness. Accordingly, the Union's request that the grievant's request for approved annual leave in lieu of sick leave be granted is sustained.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  ACN27805, V7837429, APWU27805

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , medical documentation not requested in advance , medical documentation requested

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