USPS Position Letter: Article 7; Employee Classification (1991)

Employee Classification , Cross Craft Assignments , RI-399

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The issues in this grievance are whether the clerk craft has a proprietary right pursuant to Regional Instruction 399 to input pertinent information on the MOD Scale System and whether there is a violation of the National Agreement due to the reduction in the number of PSDS clerk positions resulting from the new technology.  The following represents the decision of the Postal Service.  The transmitting of pertinent information into the MOD system (whether through an intercom or a Scale Work Station) is an integral part of weighing mail in accordance with Handbook F-53A 411.1, .11 which states in part; "In facilities where mail is weighed at each scale console and the employee transmits the information, ... ".  Since neither the PSDS Data Technician or Mail handlers have a proprietary right to weighing the mail, our position is that neither has a proprietary right to the inputting of data into the MOD Scale System.  Any employee who weighs the mail has the duty to input (transmit) the information to the Scale Work Station.  Inasmuch as the Union would not agree to hold this case at step 4 pending a decision in case H7C-NA-C 45, this grievance is denied. 

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C4SC22409

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employee Classification , Cross Craft Assignments , RI-399

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