USPS Position Letter: Article 8; Hours of Work (1986)

Hours of Work , MSPB , MSPB Hearing

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This is in reference to your March 12 letter and our earlier correspondence relative to a Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) Opinion and Order directing that the Postal Service compensate a Mr. Frank F. Black, Jr. and other Postal Service employees who testified at the MSPB hearing in the appeal of the removal of Alfred D. Maisto.  As we indicated in our recent correspondence pertaining to this matter, Mr. Black and the other Postal Service employees who appeared as witnesses at the above-mentioned hearing were compensated in compliance with the MSPB Order.  With respect to your question, as to whether the Postal Service intends to compensate employees in future MSPB cases as was done in connection with the Maisto case, please be advised that guidance to the field is being developed.  Once developed you will be provided with a copy.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Hours of Work , MSPB , MSPB Hearing

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