USPS Position Letter (NALC): Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals (1983)

Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Accident Review Board

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This Step 4 Denial outlines the Postal Service's position on whether or not management violated the 1981 National Agreement by not allowing the grievant and/or his representative to attend the meeting of a local management accident review board which was discussing an accident in which the grievant was involved. In their opinion, there was no contractual provision for the grievant or his seward to attend an internal management meeting, whether called an accident review board or any other name. However, such a committee should not make recommendations for discipline of individual employees.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N1EC665

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Accident Review Board

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