USPS Position Letter (NALC): Article 8; Hours of Work (1981)

Hours of Work , Out-of-Schedule , Training

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The question in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article VIII of the National Agreement by not paying out-of-schedule overtime where employee's schedule is temporarily changed so the employees may attend recognized training sessions. In our opinion, this issue does not fairly present an interpretive question. The exceptions to the obligation to pay out-of-schedule overtime is governed by Part 434.62, Employee and Labor Relations Manual. Clearly,ยท Part 434.623e excludes such payment where the employee's schedule is temporarily changed so that the employee may-attend recognized training sessions. The eight (8) hour defensive drive training involved was planned, prepared and coordinated with the National Safety Council. Accordingly, we do not find that the reference handbook provisions, nor the National Agreement has been violated.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8N2BC10122

Tags: Hours of Work , Out-of-Schedule , Training

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