Headshot of APWU Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard

Judy Beard

Legislative & Political Director

(202) 842-4211

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

The Legislative and Political Department helps advance the union's cause on Capitol Hill and keeps the APWU members informed about important issues and legislative developments.

Working with the union's president, we are the APWU's eyes, ears, and voice in Washington, DC.

Our activities include:

  • Advocating the union's positions on postal reform legislation, worker safety, retiree benefits and many other issues important to APWU members;
  • Monitoring the status of legislation and how every member of Congress votes on important postal issues; 
  • Helping prepare testimony for congressional hearings;
  • Working with the AFL-CIO and other unions on other issues that are important to working families everywhere;
  • Administering the APWU Committee On Political Action (COPA) program;
  • Urging APWU members to contact their senators and representatives about issues that are important to postal workers — and letting you know how they vote.

We Need Your Help!

We cannot overstate the importance of having APWU members and state and local organization involved in our lobbying activities. We can be much more effective when we are reinforcing messages that are being expressed directly U.S. senators and representatives by APWU members in their states and districts.

So whenever it's important, we work closely with APWU state and local leaders to maker sure our members are being heard when its time to protect our benefits and bargaining rights, and also when we need to say thank you to our friends in Congress.

COPA Needs You Too!

Your voluntary contributions to COPA, APWU's Committee on Political Action, help our union have a much stronger voice in Washington, DC. Click here to find out how you can help.

Judy Beard News Articles

The Struggle Always Continues

As the dust settles on the start of the 119th Congress, your Legislative and Political Department is hard at work fostering relationships with the...

Moving Forward in 2025

Leg/Pol Director Judy Beard noted that while the 2024 elections brought change, we also saw wins on the state level. 

Staying Engaged Beyond the Election

"As the 2024 election season has come to a close, it is important to stay engaged." APWU legislative and Political Director Judy Beard provides...

The 2024 Elections: It's Time to Mobilize

Legislative Director Judy Beard urges members to get involved this election season, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote.