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The Public Postal Service Delivers Almost Anything
The public Postal Service will take almost anything, but doesn't take any taxpayer dollars! Spread the word!
The USPS operates with ZERO tax dollars!
Learn more at usmailnotforsale.org.
American Postal Workers Union members from coast-to-coast say why they are FIRED UP AND READY TO GO!
The United States Postal Service - Keep It. It's yours!
If the U.S. Postal Service is sold to private corporations, you won’t get your mail every day – maybe only every third day – and you will pay more for mail services. Learn more about the White House'...
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Video Against Postal Privatization!
In a strong show of solidarity, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA produced a video to educate flight attendants and other workers about the importance of public services and the role of...
APWU Members Rallied in Pittsburgh – The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale!
APWU Members Rallied in Pittsburgh – The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale!
President Dimondstein's Opening Remarks For Contract Negotiations 2018
President Dimondstein's opening remarks For APWU Contract Negotiations 2018 in Washington, D.C. on June 26th