50-Mile Limit - Minimizing Excessing Memo Extended
September 29, 2015
The APWU and the USPS have agreed upon two Memoranda of Understanding: “Minimizing Excessing” and “Peak Season Exception Periods,” in addition to a Maintenance-specific Step 4 Settlement, that are all interconnected and result in the extension of...
Connecticut Goes Grand
September 28, 2015
Over 60 members of the Greater Connecticut Area Local held a rally for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! in Clinton, CT, in late September.
e-Team Report, Sept. 26, 2015
September 26, 2015
This week, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) announced that he will retire from Congress at the end of October. Boehner’s retirement will mark the end of his 5-year tenure as Speaker and his 25-year career in Congress.
Postal Workers Win Support at ‘Fighting Bob Fest’
September 23, 2015
Front row: Madison Area Local President Bret Wersland; Chris Czubakowski, associate editor Milwaukee Area Local; JJ Johnson Heiss and Karen Deloof, Madison Area Local; Valerie Landowski, Regional Coordinator Northeast Wisconsin AFL-CIO.Back row:...
Closing of Requests for Inclusion
September 22, 2015
Well over 7,000 employees represented by the APWU have been paid as part of the Associate Office Infrastructure (AOI) national arbitration award. A period of time has been granted for anyone who may have been missed to provide the requested...