Ensuring Financial Stability
A sufficient amount of money in savings accounts can protect you from unexpected financial hardships, such as those associated with illness or divorce. Financial advisors recommend that everyone have at least three months’ salary in the bank for...
Stewards' Status in MSPB Appeals
Recently, the union has received inquiries about the right of stewards to prepare appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) while “on the clock.” After a review with APWU’s general counsel, the following represents the APWU’s position on...
Arbitrator: Maximization Provision Only Applies to Work Hours of PTFs
A recent national arbitration award by Arbitrator Linda Byars found that the Postal Service does not have an obligation to combine the hours of all non-full-time employees, i.e. part-time regular, part-time flexible, transitional and/or casual...
Record High Suicides
The departure of U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan is not translating to less stress for our troops.
e-Team Report, Dec. 9, 2011
Group of Senators Look to Halt USPS Cutbacks
NH Right to Work Legislation Fails – Republican Presidential Hopefuls Come out in Favor of Right to Work
NAACP Releases New Report