Consolidation: Fighting Back

Following the consolidation of the Middlesex-Essex (MA) Processing & Distribution Center with the Boston plant in 2013, the national APWU and the Boston Area Local met with the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to file a complaint about...

Survey Says: Most Americans Oppose Plant Closures

I have always been skeptical of surveys conducted by the Postal Service, because they seem to be designed to generate responses that would justify cutting service, closing postal facilities, or reducing employees’ pay. But the results of a survey...

Dispute Over Reassignments of Partially Recovered Employees

This grievance involves the failure of the USPS to use craft seniority when making wholesale rehab/limited duty assignments after reassessing all of the medically restricted assignments in an installation. 

Attend a Pre-Convention Workshop

The Research & Education Department is proud to announce that the APWU is sponsoring its 14th Educational Conference, a National Convention event that provides union members with a wealth of information to take home to their locals and state...
