Intermediate Travel for Training Settlement

This settlement (case #H0C-NAC 19002) reinstates the language of Section 716.123 of the ELM that existed prior to 1991, which permits intermediate travel (for employees on an extended duty assignment) to a location other than the employee's...

The War at Home

Pollutants from open-air burn pits, fires and clean-up operations are believed to be causing serious health problems for our military men and women. At least 1,000 troops and veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have mysteriously fallen ill....

Management Must Convert PTFs

Managers who are relying on an alleged hiring freeze to justify their refusal to convert MVS part-time flexible employees to full-time are in violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Kids Camp: Where the Impossible Becomes Possible

It’s been a little more than two years since we first introduced you to the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team. All of the players made sacrifices on the battlefield, and as a team they have inspired thousands with their grit on the ball field.

A Formula for Success

Effective Chapters + More Members = Strength in Numbers to Protect Benefits.
