Marco Rubio Proposes Dismantling Medicare and Raising the Retirement Age
Today, Senator Marco Rubio insulted the American people by proposing that their most successful earned benefits program, Social Security, should be dismantled. Rubio’s plans to raise the retirement age and to privatize Social Security and Medicare...
Arm Yourself With Knowledge
An important part of building our power is arming ourselves with knowledge. But if we rely only on the corporate-owned media, we are likely to receive a heavy dose of misinformation along with analysis that is biased in favor of big business. We...
Appeals Pending in Important Cases Affecting Preference-Eligible Veterans
Any veterans' preference-eligible employee who gets a notice that his or her duty assignment has been abolished and that he or she will become unassigned, should immediately ask a manager whether there are duty assignments available in the same...
Recognizing, Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It can occur when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands.
Mental Health Screening
The USPS offers free, anonymous mental health screening to all employees and their families. Screening for depression and alcoholism are done via telephone or the internet. People who use these services will be offered brief questionnaires that...