Negotiations Update
Negotiations between the USPS and the APWU over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement resumed Sept. 7 and 8, with preliminary discussions of non-economic issues. Discussion of economic issues, including upgrades, will take place later in the...
National Negotiations Begin
APWU President William Burrus (right)
delivers his opening statement as APWU
representatives meet with USPS officials
during the first session of contract negotiations.
Negotiations for a new national agreement between the Postal Service and its...
Collective Bargaining Set to Begin Aug. 29
Negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the APWU and the USPS are scheduled to begin Aug. 29, 2006, union President William Burrus has announced. Management and union officials are expected to present opening statements and...
Delegates Protest Consolidation
Nearly 3,000 blue T-shirt-clad APWU union members sent a strong and unified message to the Postal Service Thursday, as they surrounded what used to be the Philadelphia Processing & Distribution Center at a rally protesting failing service and...
Delegates Debate, Approve Resolutions In Preparation for USPS Contract Talks
Delegates discuss a resolution before
lining up at a floor microphone to take
part in the debate.
APWU members at the 18th Biennial National Convention displayed overwhelming unity Tuesday in approving resolutions intended to guide the union’s...