Wearing it on Your Sleeve

If you want to wear your solidarity on your sleeve, APWU Forever T-shirts are available for purchase for $12 each, plus shipping and handling. A poster of actor Danny Glover, a renowned friend of postal workers, is also available.

Join the Post Office Lowdown!

Jim Hightower, editor of the Hightower Lowdown, will host a “Post Office Lowdown” conference call featuring APWU President Mark Dimondstein on Tuesday, March 24, at 1 p.m. EDT.

California Retirees Host Tailgate Party

APWU retirees in the Golden State took a bite out of privatization by hosting a Contract Campaign Tailgate Party.

APWU President Reports on Negotiations

APWU President Mark Dimondstein presents an update for union members on contract negotiations. The bargaining report is available to APWU members only.  

Locals Show Creativity, Enthusiasm in Contract Campaign

Locals across the country are involving union members in the campaign to win a good contract – and showing creativity and enthusiasm along the way.
