WARNING! Voluntary Early Retirement has Potential Side Effects

The Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) recently announced for eligible Clerk Craft employees by the Postal Service has generated many questions from the members of the APWU... It is not the place of the national APWU to give advice on whether to...

Unpopular Tax Bill Passes

On Wednesday Dec. 20, Congress voted to pass a tax bill designed to reward the super wealthy and major corporations with more money. Despite being an unpopular bill opposed by hard-working families across the country, it passed without any...

New Leave Year Begins Jan. 6

Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the new leave year begins and ends as indicated below: Begins: PP 02-2018, Jan 6, 2018  Ends: PP 01-2019, Jan 4, 2019  

Des Moines Area Local and BMC Protest for a Viable Postal Service!

  On Nov. 8, APWU Des Moines Area Local and the Des Moines BMC Local (Iowa) held an informational picket in front of the downtown processing and distribution center to send a resounding message to postal management: Postal Workers Want First-Class...
