Consolidation Battle Takes Shape

The four postal unions are standing together at the national, state and local level to fight the Postmaster General’s plans to again slash the mail processing network, beginning in January. Eighty-two facilities are slated for closure, and service...

160 House Members Urge USPS to Stop Consolidations

The hard work of the APWU membership is paying off. One hundred sixty members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the leaders of the House Appropriations Committee on Sept. 11 urging them to stop devastating cuts to the Postal Service....

PMG ‘Wanted’ in Salt Lake City

If Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe thought his speech to a group of business mailers in Salt Lake City on Sept. 10 was going to be a quiet, uneventful affair, he was mistaken. A coalition of unions and postal customers showed up outside the Grand...

The PMG’s Trumpeted Attack – Forewarned is Forearmed

The Postmaster General’s Federal Register announcement makes management’s intent to impose more consolidations and cuts crystal clear. Even if we succeed in our legislative efforts, the USPS Board of Governors will plow ahead with their strategic...

Privatizing by Incentivizing

We often think of privatization as the transfer of public ownership. However, the Postal Service’s policy of offering postage discounts to large mailers has led to a similar harmful end result – a huge transfer of work and revenue from the public...
