APWU Files Charges With Postal Regulatory Commission

The APWU filed a complaint with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on Sept. 5 charging that the USPS is failing to comply with its own service standards and is depriving individuals, small businesses and organizations of the service they are...

House Panel Approves Rep. Issa’s Postal Bill

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved a postal bill introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) by a vote of 22 to 17 on July 24. ALSO: Take Action Now!

Stop Accelerating Consolidation of Mail Processing

Forty-seven members of Congress have signed a letter to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe urging him to stand by his commitment to keep more than 70 mail processing facilities open until next spring.

‘Congress is Killing the Postal Service’

“Congress is killing the Postal Service,” President Cliff Guffey declared on April 10. “Its failure to act is pushing the Postal Service to the brink of bankruptcy and threatens to destroy the institution,” he said.

USPS Accelerates Implementation Of 18 Consolidation Sites

Postal management notified the APWU on Jan. 17 of its decision to accelerate the consolidation of 18 sites, moving implementation from 2014 to 2013. The 18 facilities were originally among 89 sites that management identified for consolidation next...
