Award on Article 19 Appeal of Maintenance Management Order (MMO) 028-97

In a recent national award regarding APWU's Article 19 appeal of MMO-028-97, Arbitrator Das ruled that "[t]he union's appeal of MMO-028-97 on the grounds that it is not fair, reasonable, and equitable for purposes of Article 19 is denied."

Conditions Under Which Grievances are Held in Abeyance Pending a National Dispute

This settlement clarifies the procedures to be followed when one or the other party at the national level determines that a regional grievance is the same as, or similar to, a pending national dispute.

Award on Casuals Working Tour Two

In a national-level award, Arbitrator Shyam Das has ruled that Tour 1 casuals may continue to work past 5 a.m., concluding that the intent of the 2006-2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement is to prevent management from assigning casuals starting...

Award on Driver Instructor-Examiner (DIE) Qualification Standard

A national level award sustaining the APWU’s challenge to 1994 changes in the Driver Instructor and Examiner (DIE) Qualification Standard. (USPS #Q90V-4Q-C 95004852; 4/13/2004)
