Interest Arbitration Panel for New Contract Appointed

Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg has been appointed as the impartial chair of the tri-partite interest arbitration panel and scheduled the opening day of the hearings for September 4, 2019.  When the APWU and USPS are unable to reach a new collective...

It's Time for the Postal Service to Respect Their Workers

(This article first appeared in the July/August 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)  The APWU and the Postal Service were not able to come to a negotiated contract despite going through regular negotiation sessions and a mediation...

Our Advantage is in Our Numbers - Let's Use It

(This article first appeared in the July/August 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)  Negotiation Goals The Clerk Craft’s goals during contract negotiations include steps towards starting all employees as career, and/or an automatic...

Contract Mediation Ends, Interest Arbitration Next

(This article first appeared in the July/August 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)  “We invoked mediation to make sure we pursued every avenue to reach a good contract for the membership,” said President Mark Dimondstein. “Despite...

Members Are Asking...

Members have legitimate questions and deserve factual answers. “Why are we facing interest arbitration for a new contract when there was a tentative agreement?” “What was in it?” “Why didn’t I get a vote?” “When am I receiving raises and my next...
