As Contract Deadline Nears, Union Gears Up for Action

With the Collective Bargaining Agreement set to expire in one month, APWU negotiators – and members – are preparing to turn up the heat! "As we enter the final month of bargaining, it will soon become clear whether management is serious about...

On Tax Day, Members Spread the Word: Your Post Office Receives Zero Tax Dollars

  APWU members passed out flyers outside post offices on April 15, spreading the word to customers that the Postal Service does not receive a dime of taxpayer money. Click here for more photos.

Audio of April 6 Town Hall Call

APWU members heard updates on our fight for a good contract on April 6 during two Town Hall Calls with President Mark Dimondstein. Questions submitted by union members were also addressed. To listen to an audio of the call, click here. [Members only...

'Your Post Office Gets Zero Tax Dollars'

On April 15, APWU members will greet last-minute tax filers at post offices around the country with a message many of them haven’t heard before: The Postal Service gets no money from taxpayers.  “Tax day is a good time to inform the public – and the...

Your Post Office Gets Zero Tax Dollars

On April 15, APWU members will greet last-minute tax filers and reporters at post offices around the country with a message many of them haven’t heard before: The Postal Service gets zero tax dollars. “Tax day is a good time to inform the public...
