e-Team Report, Nov. 18, 2013

New Legislative & Political Director Marcotte Set on Mobilizing APWU Members for Legislative Victory Dimondstein Vows to Broaden Support for Protecting Postal Service, Postal Jobs   Facing Opposition to Harmful Postal Bill, Committee Cancels...

e-Team Report, March 8, 2013

Postal Service Protection Act Gains More Co-Sponsors House Bill Would Recalculate USPS Payments to FERS Sequestration Threatens the Postal Service’s Bottom Line House Passes Measure to Keep Six-Day Delivery

e-Team Report, April 17, 2012

Senate to Consider Postal Bill Today, April 17

e-Team Report, Nov. 10, 2011

Senate Hearing National Protests of Voter ID Laws Scheduled for December 10th Easy Voting Act of 2011 - HR 3163 Successful Ohio and Maine Elections

e-Team Report, July 22, 2011

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Comes Out in Support of Issa's H.R. 2309 Multiple Bills in Both House and Senate look to Overhaul Postal Service A Quick Question and Answer with Postmaster Donahoe Another Step Toward Victories in Ohio...
