APWU Goals for the Upcoming Year

President Dimondstein spoke about the recent victories and future challenges for the American Postal Workers Union during his address at the installation of officers on Nov. 5, 2016.  Click here to watch his full speech Click here to watch a...

UNI Post and Logistics World Conference Endorses Staples Boycott

(This article first appeared in the January-February 2017 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) The Stop Staples campaign has gone global. In October 2016, the UNI Post and Logistics World Conference passed a resolution, brought forward by...

Labor Unites at Rally for Social & Economic Justice and Equality

Hundreds of union members and allies rallied  outside of the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 17. (This article first appeared in the January-February 2017 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)  Hundreds of labor union members gathered outside of the U...

Together We Stopped the TPP!!

APWU members rallied against the TPP at the 2016 National Convention. The 114th U.S. Congressional session is over and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is officially dead. This victory comes despite it being a signature effort of the White House...

Landmark Arbitration Decision Upholds Craft Assignments, Job Posting Rights

Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg issued a decision on Dec. 8, 2016, holding that the Postal Service violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement when it failed to assign Sales Retention Team (SRT) center work to the Clerk Craft and post the positions for...
