e-Team Report, Oct. 7, 2011

APWU Opposes USPS Proposal To Cut Service Standards and Eliminate 252 Mail Processing Facilities Senator Baucus Introduces Postal Legislation Spending Bill Gives Postal Service A Few More Weeks to Make Payments Two States Look to Change Way...

e-Team Report, Nov. 13, 2012

Lame Duck Congress and the Fiscal Cliff Send Congress a Message Meet the 113th Congress  Growing Vacancies on Board of Governors Hurricane Sandy

Summary of Regulations Governing COPA Solicitations

Summary of Regulations Governing COPA Solicitations

A Bad Bill Made Worse

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Reform approved the Postal Reform Act of 2014 (also known as the Carper-Coburn Bill) on Feb. 6, clearing the way for the bill to be considered by the full Senate. The meeting had been...

e-Team Report, June 30, 2012

Stop H.R. 2309, Vote NO! TV Ad Editorial on USPS Finances Changing of the Guard
