e-Team Report, June 6, 2014

The Federal Highway Trust Fund, which provides for construction and maintenance of the nation’s roads, rail lines, and bridges, is expected to run out of money this summer.  Should the fund run dry, important work on the nation’s transportation...

The USPS is Not a Piggy Bank!

In a “Dear Colleagues” letter dated June 3, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) urged his fellow members of the House of Representatives to oppose a proposal to use Postal Service funds to help replenish the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) by ending Saturday mail...

APWU Condemns GOP Plan to Loot USPS to Save Highway Fund

APWU President Mark Dimondstein issued a statement June 2 condemning a proposal by House Republican leaders to raid the Postal Service treasury to shore up the Highway Trust Fund. “The proposal by House Republican leaders to use Postal Service funds...

Committee Passes Controversial Issa Bill

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members passed the latest postal bill offered by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), which would end “door delivery” for 15 million postal customers. The vote, which passed along party lines 18-13,...

APWU Urges ‘No’ Vote on Issa’s Latest Postal Bill

The APWU is urging House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members to vote ‘no’ on the latest postal bill offered by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), which would end “door delivery” for 15 million postal customers. The committee is scheduled to...
