Happy New Year, Union Family!

2024 will be a year that is both busy and challenging. But the APWU will be standing strong and meeting those challenges head on.

Public Service Means Public Input

In November, the Postal Board of Governors announced that future public engagement sessions with the Postal Service, regarding USPS’s initiatives for the future of the organization, would be slashed from four times per year, down to one in-person...

Pending Legislation Would Prevent Postal Banking Through the Fed

If partnered with the Federal Reserve, the postal service could expand banking access to everyone in the country, allowing individuals to general savings, pay bills, and conduct other basic financial services. But a new piece of legislation is...

Union Members Take Heed, We Need You Actively With Us in 2024

Political campaigns have begun, and the Postal Service needs to be ready to make a difference. The problem is our mail processing network has been degraded. We need your help now!

New Year Save-the-Dates!

Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell provides important Save-the-Dates for 2024!
