PVS Pilot Program to Amend Work Rules at Selected Sites
The USPS and the APWU signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Jan. 15, 2009, creating a pilot program that will amend work rules governing Postal Vehicle Service drivers.
Drug and Alcohol Testing - USPS
In a Step 4 settlement dated July 19, 2006, the APWU and USPS agreed that the Postal Service will not require employees to participate in DOT drug-and-alcohol-testing pools when the employees are unable to perform safety-sensitive functions. To be...
Pilot Program Spurs Debate At All-Craft Conference
One of the main topics among Motor Vehicle Service Directors during the APWU All-Craft Conference in Las Vegas in early October was the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by President William Burrus on Jan. 15, 2009, regarding the Postal...
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Current and past Collective Bargaining Agreements