‘Stop Postal Service Cuts and Plant Closures’

August 14, 2014

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Half of the U.S. Senate has called for a one-year moratorium on Postal Service plans to close mail processing plants and slow down mail delivery.

An Aug. 14 letter signed by 50 senators said Congress should block a proposal by Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe to close as many as 82 mail processing plants; slow mail service, and eliminate up to 15,000 jobs. The letter urged leaders of a key committee to include a one-year ban on the cuts as part of must-pass legislation to keep the government running into the new fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.

“This one-year moratorium will give Congress the time it needs to enact the comprehensive postal reforms that are necessary for the Postal Service to function effectively into the future,” the senators wrote in a letter to Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Richard Shelby (R-LA), the chairwoman and ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

APWU President Mark Dimondstein praised the senators’ action. “Few people seem to be aware of the devastating effect the plant closures would have on the nation’s mail system,” he said. “If the plants are closed or consolidated, it will mean the end of overnight mail delivery in this country.”

He also praised APWU members and supporters at the local and state level who contacted their senators to explain the significance of the Postmaster General’s plans. “We must make sure the American people also understand that PMG Donahoe’s reckless cuts in service are jeopardizing the future of a public Post Office.”

The letter – drafted and circulated by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Jon Tester (D-MT) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) – also was sent to Sens. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and Mike Johanns (R-NE), leaders of a subcommittee on Postal Service finances.

“At a time when our middle class is disappearing, the loss of 15,000 good-paying Postal Service jobs will harm our local communities and economies,” the senators wrote. “Slowing down mail delivery even further will hurt senior citizens on fixed incomes, small businesses and the entire economy,” the letter added.  Closing the plants would require another degradation of service standards that would essentially eliminate first-class mail, even within the same city or town.

“Despite misleading reports about supposed fiscal woes, the Postal Service in fact has taken in nearly $1 billion more in revenue than it spent since the fall of 2012,” the senators noted in a press release.

The letter was signed by 42 Democrats, six Republicans and both of the Senate’s Independents. The senators who signed the letter are:

  State   Senator
  California   Sen. Barbara Boxer (D)
  California   Sen. Diana Feinstein (D)
  Colorado   Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D)
  Colorado   Sen. Mark Udall (D)
  Connecticut   Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D)
  Connecticut   Sen. Chris Murphy (D)
  Florida   Sen. Bill Nelson (D)
  Hawaii   Sen. Mazie Hirono (D)
  Hawaii   Sen. Brian Schatz (D)
  Iowa   Sen. Tom Harkin (D)
  Illinois   Sen. Dick Durbin (D)
  Indiana   Sen. Joseph Donnelly (D)
  Louisiana   Sen. Mary Landrieu (D)
  Massachusetts   Sen. Edward Markey (D)
  Massachusetts   Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D)
  Maryland   Sen. Ben Cardin (D)
  Maine   Sen. Susan Collins (R)
  Maine   Sen. Angus King (I)
  Michigan   Sen. Carl Levin (D)
  Michigan   Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D)
  Missouri   Sen. Roy Blunt (R)
  Missouri   Sen. Claire McCaskill (D)
  Minnesota   Sen. Al Franken (D)
  Minnesota   Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D)
  Montana   Sen. Jon Tester (D)
  Montana   Sen. John Walsh (D)
  North Carolina   Sen. Kay Hagan (D)
  North Dakota   Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D)
  North Dakota   Sen. John Hoeven (R)
  New Hampshire   Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D)
  New Jersey   Sen. Cory Booker (D)
  New Jersey   Sen. Robert Menendez (D)
  New Mexico   Sen. Martin Heinrich (D)
  New York   Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand (D)
  New York   Sen. Chuck Schumer (D)
  Ohio   Sen. Sherrod Brown (D)
  Oklahoma   Sen. James Inhofe (R)
  Oregon   Sen. Jeff Merkley (D)
  Oregon   Sen. Ron Wyden (D)
  Pennsylvania   Sen. Bob Casey (D)
  Rhode Island   Sen. Jack Reed (D)
  Rhode Island   Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
  South Dakota   Sen. Tim Johnson (D)
  South Dakota   Sen. John Thune (R)
  Utah   Sen. Orrin Hatch (R)
  Vermont   Sen. Bernie Sanders (I)
  Vermont   Sen. Patrick Leahy (D)
  Washington   Sen. Maria Cantwell (D)
  West Virginia   Sen. Joe Manchin (D)
  Wisconsin   Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D)







































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