Mike Causey Applauds Postal Healthcare Coverage

December 5, 2007

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“When it comes to paying health premiums, postal workers pay less than other federal workers,” said Mike Causey in a column posted on www.federalnewsradio.com Dec. 5. “They get the same coverage as employees with the IRS, Interior or Agriculture. But they pay about half as much for coverage.

“Why?” Causey asked rhetorically. “It’s a long story, best summed up in two words: union contract.”

The USPS is the most heavily-unionized federal agency, Causey noted, and one of the major benefits that unions have won through bargaining is that the Postal Service pays a bigger share of employee premiums than the government pays for other federal workers.

For highlights of the APWU-sponsored health plans, check out the new video or visit the APWU Health Plan Web site.

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