Plans Taking Shape for National Day of Action – Nov. 14

Tell PMG, Board of Governors: Stop Delaying America's Mail!

October 29, 2014

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Stop-Mail-DelaysPlans are taking shape for a National Day of Action on Nov. 14, when members of the four postal unions and supporters will send a powerful message to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe and the USPS Board of Governor’s: Stop Delaying America’s Mail.

The four unions are working together at the national level to produce flyers, posters, T-shirts and press releases, and they are encouraging their members to work together to organize local events. A special web page,, has been created to share information and resources.  Flyers are now available for union locals and branches to distribute to their members. Information about local activities can be printed on the back. Additional material will be made available as it is produced, including a list of local activities showing the times, locations and contact information.

On Jan. 5 the Postmaster General and the Board of Governors are poised to make devastating cuts in service to the American people – cuts so severe that they will forever damage the U.S. Postal Service, the union presidents said in an Oct. 16 letter calling for the National Day of Action.

  • The USPS is slated to lower “service standards” to virtually eliminate overnight delivery – including first-class mail from one address to another within the same city or town.
  • All mail, including medicine, online purchases, local newspapers, church bulletins, bill payments, sale notices, throughout the country will be delayed.
  • Beginning Jan. 5, 2015, 82 Mail Processing & Distribution Centers are scheduled to close or “consolidate operations.”

The four postal unions, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU), National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) and National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA), are urging their members and postal customers to send a message to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe and the USPS Board of Governors: Stop Delaying America's Mail!

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