Working People’s Day of Action is Feb. 24
APWU Members Encouraged to Participate
February 17, 2018
On Saturday, Feb. 24, workers will gather from coast to coast for a Working People’s Day of Action to demand an end to the rigged economic system. They will to stand together to fight for social and economic justice including the right to fair bargaining and union representation!
The Day of Action, organized by AFSCME and Jobs with Justice, comes at a crucial time in labor movement history. It is part of the commemoration for the 50th anniversary of the historic Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. The strike was sparked by the tragic deaths of Echol Cole and Robert Walker on Feb. 1, who were sheltering from a storm inside their truck when it malfunctioned, and crushed them. On February 12, 1968 the black sanitation workers went on strike to demand that their dignity, their humanity and their union be recognized.
Today, workers are still fighting for the same issues. Too many people are killed or injured on the job. The right of workers to come together and have a voice in their workplace is being fought by groups like the National Right to Work Committee – financially backed by the corporate elite who continue to work to weaken unions.
However, working people know that In Our Unity Lies Our Strength, and together we can stand up to the forces that wish to hurt us.
What You Can Do
On Feb. 24, workers will gather together to call for an end to this unfair system.
Right now, events are planned in the following cities: San Diego, CA; Washington, DC; Detroit, MI; Cedar Rapids, IA; Buffalo, NY; New York City, NY; Louisville, KY; St. Paul, MN; Columbus, OH; Philadelphia, PA; Albuquerque, NM; Memphis, TN; St. Louis, MO; Erie, PA; Houston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Sioux Falls, SD; Madison, WI and Chicago, IL.
Visit to sign up to attend a rally above or to see what other events are planned near you. Click here to download a flyer to pass out at your workplace and in your community.
If you are unable to attend one of the rallies above, you can still spread the message to your co-workers, family members and community of the need for respect, dignity and safety on the job. This includes our 2018 fight for a fair contract. Together we are Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow.