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Federal Retirement Fairness Act Reintroduced!
March 4, 2025
On Feb. 24, 2025, the Federal Retirement Fairness Act, or H.R. 1522, was reintroduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA-11) and Rep. David Valadao (R-CA-22). This bipartisan bill would allow temporary postal and federal...
APWU Honors Women's History Month
March 1, 2025
The APWU honors the contributions of American women in shaping our nation. The APWU National Executive Board met February 5-6 and adopted a proclamation to honor the women of the APWU throughout March, during Women’s History Month.
Clerk Craft and USPS Agree on $36 Million Remedy Settlement for Violations Regarding Sales Retention Teams
January 16, 2018
The Clerk Craft and the USPS agreed on a $36 million remedy settlement for the Postal Service’s violations regarding the Sales Retention Team (SRT) Pilot Program. The money will be distributed among Clerk Craft employees to be identified by the...
WARNING! Voluntary Early Retirement has Potential Side Effects
January 11, 2018
The Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) recently announced for eligible Clerk Craft employees by the Postal Service has generated many questions from the members of the APWU... It is not the place of the national APWU to give advice on whether to...
MOU Designates Official Start Day for Newly Hired PSE Clerks
January 9, 2018
On Jan. 5, the APWU and USPS signed a Memorandum of Understanding Re: Clerk Craft PSE Hiring and One Day Break. The new MOU designates Saturday, the first day of the pay period, as the hire date of all Clerk Craft Postal Support Employees (PSEs).
USPS Announces Voluntary Early Out Retirement (VERA)
January 4, 2018
Today, January 4, 2018, the APWU was notified by letter that the USPS is offering voluntary early out retirement (VERA) for eligible clerk craft employees. This letter was received with no advance notification to the union or negotiations with the...
New Year Message from President Dimondstein
January 4, 2018
Click below to watch President Dimondstein's New Year message to APWU members.