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E.g., 07/19/2024
E.g., 07/19/2024

Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

July 19, 2024
Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

Democracy in Action: Robust Debate Dominates Convention's Third Day

July 18, 2024
On the third day of the 27th Biennial Convention, APWU Delegates dominating democracy in action.

Arbitrator Rescinds ELM 546 Changes Agreed to in APWU-USPS 2006 MOU

Arbitrator Das, ruling in an NALC grievance in which the APWU intervened, ordered the Postal Service to rescind changes agreed to by the APWU and the USPS in a 2006 MOU "Re: Limited Duty and Rehabilitation Assignments Within APWU Crafts Involving...

Dispute Over Information Security Handbook

The APWU initiated a national dispute over the Postal Service's announcement of revisions to the AS-805 handbook governing Information Security. 

Zero Base Initiative, Zero Change

The Zero Base Initiative, which is the Postal Service’s new terminology for the old Breakthrough Productivity Initiative (BPI), is causing concern among many Motor Vehicle Craft union members. While the name has changed, the stated goal of the...

Internal Strife Can Destroy the Family

We have heard it most of our lives: “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” That famous quote by President Abraham Lincoln referred to our national “house.” It certainly applies to our union, which is like a big family. We need unity to win...

Frequently Asked Questions About The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

EAP is a free, voluntary program available to postal employees and their families. It is intended to provide timely, quality, confidential assistance when it is needed.
