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E.g., 09/13/2024
E.g., 09/13/2024

President Mark Dimondstein Updates Members on APWU Contract Negotiations

September 10, 2024
Greetings APWU Family, With our main Collective Bargaining Agreement expiring on September 20th, I wanted to give you a status report.

An Update on the Social Security Fairness Act

September 6, 2024
Time is running out to get the Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) passed. We are asking every APWU member to call Monday, September 9th and demand our representatives sign the discharge petition (HR 1410).

USPS Publishes New Drug And Alcohol Testing Policy

In July, the Postal Service finally published a new Drug and Alcohol Testing policy that requires management to offer a Last Chance Agreement to employees who fail a drug test for the first time. The new policy became effective Dec. 31, 2009.

USPS Must Maintain All Factory Equipment, Including Air Conditioning

An e-mail from USPS headquarters dated Oct. 3, 2001, instructs managers in the field that former Emery vehicles incorporated into the postal fleet are now considered postal vehicles and must be maintained in a manner consistent with all postal...

Dispute Over Sunday Premium When on Administrative Leave Appealed to Arbitration

The Union has appealed to arbitration a dispute over whether employees on Administrative Leave are entitled to Sunday Premium pay for any eligible hours they would have worked if not for being placed on administrative leave. 

Frequently Asked Questions

In the March-April edition, I addressed a number of questions asked by APWU retirees. Here are several more.

Safety ‘Happy Talk’ Just Isn’t Enough

Postal officials frequently brag about their commitment to workers’ safety, but their actions don’t always line up with the “happy talk.”
