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E.g., 07/30/2024
E.g., 07/30/2024

Standing Strong to Build a Bigger Union and Advance Forward, Together

July 29, 2024
The best way to win big is by “standing strong” to build a bigger union. Members should continue to encourage nonmember coworkers to join the APWU.

Negotiations is Our Path to Winning an All-Career Workforce

July 29, 2024
 Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash provides overview of APWU’s main objectives during contract negotiations.

Black Women Raise Their Voices in the Tobacco Industry

February 28, 2014
By 1938, Louise "Mamma" Harris had worked at the I.N. Vaughan Export stemmery in Richmond VA for nearly six years. The women who worked at Export were among the poorest in Richmond; they had to wrap themselves in tobacco burlap to stay warm in the...

Arbitrator Rules on NTFT Excessing

February 28, 2014
Arbitrator Dennis R. Nolan has ruled that APWU members holding Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) assignments may not be excessed into full-time positions in the Letter Carrier Craft if they don’t meet the definition of full-time employees specified...

Bucky Walter

February 28, 2014

USPS Declares War On Custodial Staffing Again!

February 27, 2014
The USPS has declared war on custodial staffing — again — reports Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer. Management notified the APWU on Jan. 22 of an attempt to modify the MS-47 Handbook, which establishes guidelines for housekeeping and...

Dimondstein Elected to AFL-CIO Executive Committee, Council

February 24, 2014
APWU President Mark Dimondstein was elected to the Executive Committee and Executive Council of the AFL-CIO at its annual meeting in Houston TX on Feb. 18 and 19.
