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E.g., 03/11/2025
E.g., 03/11/2025

It is Time to File Your Labor-Management Report!

March 11, 2025
March 31 is fast approaching! It is especially important that local and state treasurers file their annual Labor-Management (LM) report for the Department of Labor (DOL) by its due date of March 31. All locals must file an annual LM financial report...

Don't Panic, Organize!

March 11, 2025
“Big Fish” corporations and the billionaires trying to run our country have an open path to swallow workers whole by driving down pay and benefits and busting unions for profit. However, when we organize and stand together, we have the power to stop...

Former APWU National Officers Pass Away

March 18, 2020
(This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) John R. Smith John R. Smith (known by most as “JR”), former Retirees Department Director, passed away Jan. 11, at the age of 91. Brother Smith was the...

It’s an Election Year – and Vote by Mail is on the Ballot

March 18, 2020
(This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) 2020 is an election year. While much of the country’s political attention span is consumed by the presidential primary, there is another important...

From the Field

March 18, 2020
(This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Below are quotes from various APWU local and state publications throughout the country. All the publications listed are part of the Postal Press...

Labor News

March 18, 2020
(This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Labor Law Overhauling PRO Act Passes in House of Representatives On Feb. 5, one of the strongest labor bills in decades passed 224-194 during a House...

Facing Challenges Together

March 18, 2020
(This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Greetings Brothers and Sisters from the Eastern Region officers and staff. I would personally like to thank all our members who participated in the...
