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E.g., 02/01/2025
E.g., 02/01/2025

House Resolution 70: Protecting the People’s Post Office

January 30, 2025
Please call APWU’s Legislative Hotline at 1-844-402-1001 to be connected to your member of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor H. Res. 70, which expressly opposes postal privatization. Defending the people’s public Postal Service from...

This is a 'Code Red Alert' to APWU Veterans

January 21, 2025
In the last Home Front article, we warned veterans about “Project 2025” and how a second Trump term would destroy the VA, and VA healthcare benefits. Unfortunately for our APWU veteran family, his Project 2025 plan to destroy VA healthcare could...

Convention Hotel Update

May 11, 2016
The Swan and Dolphin Hotels, where the APWU National Convention will be held, are currently sold out, but the union is working on securing additional rooms at other nearby hotels.  Additional information will be posted as soon as it is available.

Dirzius Honored at New England Convention

May 10, 2016
Pictured left to right: John Dirzius, Scott Hoffman, Lorraine Sawyer, and Bill Weaver. The Massachussetts Postal Workers Union honored Northeast Region Coordinator John Dirzius with the 2016 Moe Biller Leadership Award at the recent New England...

Convention Rooms Are Filling Fast

May 9, 2016
Hotel rooms at the site of the union’s National Convention are filling fast, so locals, state organizations and members-at-large who plan to attend should make reservations soon if they haven’t already done so, says Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell.  

Contract Arbitration Hearings Conclude

May 6, 2016
Arbitration hearings on the APWU Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Postal Service have concluded and the union expects a decision in 30 to 60 days, President Mark Dimondstein has announced.

APWU Joins Verizon Strikers’ National Day of Action

May 6, 2016
On the picket line in Washington, DC.  In a show of support, APWU members joined Verizon strikers on picket lines during their National Day of Action on May 5.
